Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hello World :)

I know it seems so cliche but, sometimes you just have to embrace life and say hello world, my name is... and I am so pleased to meet you.  I am going to have a great day week, month year and life period.  I will be stopping by to remind you of that fact quite often, so no matter what comes my way I am prepared for it all because I am rooting for the home team which just happens to be me and so with that I just wanted to say Hello World:-)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Diaper Cakes Webinar!!!

Reserve your spot in the webinar no later than Friday, July 1st at 10:00 pm EST and be entered into a drawing for a complimentary copy of my ebook: How To Start A Diaper Cakes Business!

Wouldn’t it be a blessing to have a home-based business doing what you love while being home with your babies?  If you've always wanted to be involved in your children's school activities without having to answer to your boss and explain why you wanted to take a day off, attend this Webinar and learn how to.......
Turn Your Hobby into a Business That Makes You Money  <--- click the link to register!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

You Are What you Think!!!

In order to achieve greatness in life you have to think great things, your have to be on a level of vibration that attracts greatness to you and those around you, your mind has to be conducive for achieving and emit positiveness regardless of what it looks like!  

  • Men do not attract what they want, but what they are.
  • A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.
  • Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment, of these, if you but remain true to them your world will at last be built.
  • The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors, that which it loves, and also that which it fears. It reaches the height of its cherished aspirations. It falls to the level of its unchastened desires - and circumstances are the means by which the soul receives its own.
  • Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves, they therefore remain bound.
  • Every action and feeling is preceded by a thought.
  • Right thinking begins with the words we say to ourselves.
  • Circumstance does not make the man, it reveals him to himself.
  • You cannot travel within and stand still without.
  • As the physically weak man can make himself strong by careful and patient training, so the man of weak thoughts, can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking.
You can literally change your life by changing your thoughts! 

Allow yourself to think a little deeper than just the surface of who you are! Challenge yourself and show not only others but you what you really are made of ! “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. [Proverbs 23:7]”

For your FREE copy of the ebook "As a Man Thinketh"  by James Allen. Please send an email to with your name and email address! 

I promise it will bless you and change the way you think...!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

No Regrets!!!!!!

It's taken some time but I have learned often the hard way that hindsight is 20/20. In which you can see things much clearer after they have passed you by or you've had time to sit back and reflect. Regret is something that comes up far too frequent in life. Regret for having done something, regret for not having done something, regret for this and regret for that. One thing we should never regret in life is Life itself.  Of course there are situations and predicaments that we found ourselves in and looking back we wondered how did I let that happen? I can't believe I was a part of that!  But the reality of it is, that it made you who your are today.  Your life's experience's are unique even if someone went through something similar to what you did, it's still not quite the same.  It belongs to you, now what you choose to do with it is a whole other story.  Regardless, you shouldn't have any regrets about the paths that you have chosen to take.  Regrets hold you back from moving forward and experiencing life the way you desire to.  

I was talking to an old friend the other day and they were going over all of the bad decisions that they had made in life which seemed to have outweighed the good ones.  After talking to them I began to ponder all of the what if's and even though the road that they traveled wanted to count them out of life's race.  Regret is the brick wall that would allow them to go no more.  So even if we are able to answer the what if's in life, we still  can't go back and change anything about it.  The only thing we can do is thank God for a clear mind and a chance to move on.

On the other hand you shouldn't set your self up for a future possible regret, sounds crazy hunh!  Well, what I am trying to say is that regret goes both ways and you should have neither!  You should never hold yourself back from doing something, taking a risk and stepping out and experiencing life and living your passion.  Maybe you've wanted to dance with the prestigious dancers of the Alvin Ailey group, or open your own dance studio for that matter, there is no time like the present!.  Okay, so traveling across the world engaging is different cultures has a been a dream of yours, what's stopping you?.  Remember when you used to hook all of your girls hair up and the compliments would come flooding in and you said I'm going to open my own salon, where did you say it was located again; cause I need a hook up?  Oh, wait I know last week when the boss and your co-workers almost got the best of you and all you could think about was getting your business up and running, why are you still sitting behind that desk?  Don't let the dreams and desires you have for life turn into regrets of the future, go after them, reach them and embrace them!  Live life with no REGRETS!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Success Leaves Clues...


Have you ever heard that saying?  Success leaves clues.  You may have been wondering what exactly does that mean? Or, what clues does it leave?  Probably an even greater question that has crossed your mind is, if it's leaving clues all over the place why can't I find it?  Well, the truth is it does leave clues and they are really not hard to find if you are looking for them. Everyone has the potential to be successful!, Now any one who knows me know my theory on the "potential" of things.  Potential energy is stagnant energy, until it is activated it doesn't do anything.  The same theory applies to success, you won't achieve it until you do something to get it.

1.First and foremost: so is a man, or woman, girl or boy as he thinketh, You have to believe that you are successful and capable of achieving great levels of it , if you fill yourself with negative banter about your inabilities and how many times you've failed your fate has been sealed by your own thoughts about you!  Think success and begin to act upon it otherwise it won't come to you.

2. Follow people who are positive and successful, catch the pattern and grab some cues (where do you think the clues come from?)  Successful people leave a paper trail jam packed with awesome nuggets of how they got to where they are.  Maybe it's the books they read, the networks they belong to, the people they surround themselves with, to how they embrace setbacks as a launching pad to doing it bigger and better the next time.  They don't have to be successful at the same things you want to be successful in the only prerequisite here is that they've found, you guessed it success!

3.Personal development is ever so important to walking into your success, take the time to prepare yourself for what ever it is you want to do.  Study to show thyself approved...!  Take the time to cultivate your knowledge base of what you want to find success in.  The more PD you do the more clues you will find as well.

4.Finally be motivated nothing is going to jump into your lap while you are sitting of the edge of your chair with your hands on your head while doing the whoa is me sob.  Get up and do something go outside and get inspired, attend a few seminars, do some volunteer work there is nothing more inspiring and motivational as serving others without seeking a personal gain.  The gain is in the serving it becomes a muse and opens you up to energy that you never knew you had.  There is something so profound about helping others get to a point of success in their life and the beautiful thing about it is that your own success will come by default.

Now you've got a starting point, so go find those clues apply them and begin to map the  road to your own success in life and remember to leave some clues along the way so someone else can follow them.

Here's to you and your success! I know you can do it....